Cedar Breather: Protecting Your Home’s Exterior

Cedar Breather is a revolutionary home exterior protection system that is designed to improve airflow and moisture control in your home. It is specifically designed for use with cedar siding, but can also be used with other types of wood siding. Cedar Breather is a breathable membrane that is installed between the siding and the sheathing, allowing air to circulate and moisture to escape. This helps to prevent mold, rot, and other moisture-related issues that can damage your home’s exterior.

Protecting your home’s exterior is essential for maintaining its beauty and structural integrity. The exterior of your home is constantly exposed to the elements, including rain, snow, wind, and UV rays. Over time, these elements can cause damage to your siding, leading to costly repairs or replacements. By using Cedar Breather, you can protect your home’s exterior and extend the lifespan of your siding.

Key Takeaways

  • Cedar Breather is a revolutionary home exterior protection system that improves airflow and moisture control.
  • Protecting your home’s exterior is crucial to prevent damage from moisture and other environmental factors.
  • Cedar Breather works by creating a gap between the siding and sheathing, allowing air to circulate and moisture to escape.
  • Benefits of Cedar Breather include improved energy efficiency, reduced risk of mold and rot, and longer lifespan for your siding.
  • Cedar Breather outperforms traditional housewrap in terms of moisture control and ventilation.

The Importance of Protecting Your Home’s Exterior

The weather and moisture can have a significant impact on the exterior of your home. Rain and snow can seep into the cracks and crevices of your siding, causing it to warp, rot, or develop mold. Wind can also cause damage by blowing debris against your siding, leading to scratches or dents. UV rays from the sun can fade and deteriorate the paint or stain on your siding, making it look worn and aged.

The cost of repairing or replacing damaged siding can be quite expensive. Not only do you have to pay for the materials, but you also have to hire a professional to do the work. In addition, if the damage is extensive, you may need to replace the entire section of siding, which can be even more costly. By taking steps to protect your home’s exterior, such as using Cedar Breather, you can prevent these issues from occurring in the first place.

How Cedar Breather Works: A Breakdown of the Technology

Cedar Breather works by creating a gap between the siding and the sheathing, allowing air to circulate and moisture to escape. This is achieved through the use of a breathable membrane that is installed behind the siding. The membrane is made from a high-quality, durable material that is designed to withstand the elements and provide long-lasting protection.

The technology behind Cedar Breather is quite simple yet effective. The breathable membrane allows air to flow freely behind the siding, preventing moisture from becoming trapped and causing damage. This helps to reduce the risk of mold and rot, as well as other moisture-related issues. By improving airflow and moisture control, Cedar Breather helps to maintain the integrity of your home’s exterior.

Benefits of Cedar Breather: Improved Airflow, Moisture Control, and More

Benefits of Cedar Breather Description
Improved Airflow Cedar Breather allows air to circulate freely through the roof, reducing heat buildup and improving ventilation.
Moisture Control Cedar Breather helps prevent moisture buildup in the roof, reducing the risk of mold and rot.
Increased Lifespan Cedar Breather can extend the lifespan of your roof by reducing moisture damage and improving ventilation.
Energy Efficiency Cedar Breather can help reduce energy costs by improving ventilation and reducing heat buildup in the roof.
Environmentally Friendly Cedar Breather is made from sustainable materials and can help reduce energy consumption, making it an eco-friendly choice.

There are several benefits to using Cedar Breather for your home’s exterior. One of the main benefits is improved airflow. By creating a gap between the siding and the sheathing, Cedar Breather allows air to circulate freely, preventing moisture from becoming trapped. This helps to reduce the risk of mold and rot, as well as other moisture-related issues.

Another benefit of Cedar Breather is improved energy efficiency. By allowing air to circulate behind the siding, Cedar Breather helps to create a thermal barrier that can help to reduce heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. This can lead to lower energy bills and a more comfortable living environment.

In addition to improved airflow and energy efficiency, Cedar Breather also helps to extend the lifespan of your siding and paint. By preventing moisture from becoming trapped, Cedar Breather helps to prevent warping, rotting, and other damage that can occur over time. This means that you won’t have to replace your siding or repaint your home as often, saving you time and money in the long run.

Cedar Breather vs. Traditional Housewrap: Which is Better?

When it comes to protecting your home’s exterior, there are several options available, including traditional housewrap. While traditional housewrap can provide some level of protection, Cedar Breather offers several advantages over traditional housewrap.

One of the main advantages of Cedar Breather is its ability to improve airflow and moisture control. Traditional housewrap can sometimes trap moisture, leading to mold, rot, and other issues. Cedar Breather, on the other hand, allows air to circulate freely behind the siding, preventing moisture from becoming trapped and causing damage.

Another advantage of Cedar Breather is its durability. Traditional housewrap can tear or puncture easily, especially during installation. Cedar Breather is made from a high-quality, durable material that is designed to withstand the elements and provide long-lasting protection.

How to Install Cedar Breather: A Step-by-Step Guide

Installing Cedar Breather is a relatively simple process that can be done by a homeowner with basic DIY skills. Here is a step-by-step guide to installing Cedar Breather:

1. Prepare the surface: Before installing Cedar Breather, make sure that the sheathing is clean and free from any debris or loose materials. If necessary, repair any damaged areas of the sheathing.

2. Measure and cut: Measure the length of the wall where you will be installing Cedar Breather and cut the membrane to size using a utility knife or scissors.

3. Install the starter strip: Begin by installing a starter strip at the bottom of the wall. This will help to ensure that the Cedar Breather is installed straight and level.

4. Attach the Cedar Breather: Starting at one end of the wall, attach the Cedar Breather to the sheathing using staples or nails. Make sure to leave a small gap between each piece of Cedar Breather to allow for expansion and contraction.

5. Continue installing: Continue installing the Cedar Breather, overlapping each piece by a few inches. Make sure to secure each piece with staples or nails.

6. Trim and finish: Once you have installed the Cedar Breather on the entire wall, trim any excess membrane using a utility knife or scissors. Finish by installing the siding over the Cedar Breather, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Maintenance and Care for Cedar Breather: Tips and Tricks

Cedar Breather requires minimal maintenance and care to keep it functioning properly. Here are some tips and tricks for maintaining and caring for Cedar Breather:

1. Inspect regularly: Regularly inspect the Cedar Breather for any signs of damage or wear. Look for tears, punctures, or areas where the membrane has become loose. If you notice any issues, repair or replace the affected area as soon as possible.

2. Clean as needed: If the Cedar Breather becomes dirty or stained, you can clean it using a mild detergent and water. Gently scrub the affected area with a soft brush or sponge, then rinse with clean water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the membrane.

3. Keep gutters clean: Make sure that your gutters are clean and free from debris, as clogged gutters can cause water to overflow onto the Cedar Breather. This can lead to moisture-related issues and damage to your home’s exterior.

4. Trim vegetation: Trim any vegetation that is growing near or against the Cedar Breather, as this can prevent proper airflow and moisture control. Make sure to maintain a clearance of at least 12 inches between the vegetation and the Cedar Breather.

Real-Life Examples: Success Stories of Cedar Breather in Action

There are many real-life examples of Cedar Breather in action, with satisfied customers praising its effectiveness in protecting their home’s exterior. Here are a few success stories:

– John and Sarah, homeowners in a coastal area, installed Cedar Breather on their cedar siding. They were impressed with how well it prevented moisture from becoming trapped and causing damage. They also noticed a significant improvement in the airflow behind their siding, leading to reduced humidity levels inside their home.

– Mark, a contractor, used Cedar Breather on a project where the client had experienced issues with mold and rot on their cedar siding. After installing Cedar Breather, Mark noticed a dramatic reduction in moisture-related issues and an improvement in the overall condition of the siding.

– Lisa, a homeowner with painted wood siding, decided to try Cedar Breather after noticing that her paint was fading and peeling prematurely. After installing Cedar Breather, Lisa noticed that her paint lasted longer and looked better for a longer period of time. She was thrilled with the results and would highly recommend Cedar Breather to others.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cedar Breather

Here are some common questions about Cedar Breather:

Q: Can Cedar Breather be used with other types of siding?

A: While Cedar Breather is specifically designed for use with cedar siding, it can also be used with other types of wood siding. However, it may not be suitable for use with vinyl or fiber cement siding.

Q: How long does Cedar Breather last?

A: Cedar Breather is designed to provide long-lasting protection and can last for many years when properly installed and maintained.

Q: Can I install Cedar Breather myself?

A: Yes, Cedar Breather can be installed by a homeowner with basic DIY skills. However, if you are unsure or uncomfortable with the installation process, it is recommended to hire a professional.

Q: Does Cedar Breather require any special tools or materials?

A: No, Cedar Breather can be installed using basic tools such as a utility knife or scissors, as well as staples or nails for securing the membrane to the sheathing.

Why Cedar Breather is the Best Choice for Your Home’s Exterior

In conclusion, Cedar Breather is a revolutionary home exterior protection system that offers many benefits over traditional housewrap. By improving airflow and moisture control, Cedar Breather helps to prevent mold, rot, and other moisture-related issues. It also improves energy efficiency and extends the lifespan of your siding and paint.

Installing Cedar Breather is a relatively simple process that can be done by a homeowner with basic DIY skills. With minimal maintenance and care, Cedar Breather can provide long-lasting protection for your home’s exterior.

If you want to protect your home’s exterior and ensure its longevity, Cedar Breather is the best choice. Its innovative technology and proven effectiveness make it a top choice for homeowners and contractors alike. Don’t wait until it’s too late – invest in Cedar Breather today and enjoy the benefits for years to come.

If you’re considering installing a cedar breather for your roof, you may also find our article on “Mastering the Art: The Ultimate Guide to Roofing Installation for a Durable and Beautiful Roof” helpful. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and tips for homeowners looking to achieve a long-lasting and visually appealing roof. Additionally, if you’re curious about the cost of roof replacement, our article “Roof Replacement Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners” offers a detailed breakdown of factors that influence pricing. Lastly, if you’re interested in maintaining proper drainage for your roof, our article on “Rain Gutters” explores the importance of gutters in preventing water damage and provides useful information on their installation and maintenance.


What is Cedar Breather?

Cedar Breather is a type of housewrap that is designed to be used with cedar shingles or shakes. It is a breathable membrane that allows moisture to escape from the wall assembly while still providing a barrier against air and water infiltration.

How does Cedar Breather work?

Cedar Breather works by creating a small gap between the cedar shingles or shakes and the wall sheathing. This gap allows air to circulate behind the shingles, which helps to prevent moisture buildup and rot. The breathable membrane also allows any moisture that does get behind the shingles to escape, rather than becoming trapped and causing damage.

What are the benefits of using Cedar Breather?

The benefits of using Cedar Breather include improved moisture management, increased durability of the cedar shingles or shakes, and improved energy efficiency. By allowing air to circulate behind the shingles, Cedar Breather helps to prevent moisture buildup and rot, which can extend the life of the shingles. The breathable membrane also helps to reduce air infiltration, which can improve the energy efficiency of the building.

Is Cedar Breather easy to install?

Yes, Cedar Breather is relatively easy to install. It is typically installed over the wall sheathing and under the cedar shingles or shakes. The membrane is rolled out and cut to size, then stapled or nailed in place. Installation instructions should be followed carefully to ensure proper installation and performance.

Is Cedar Breather compatible with other types of siding?

Cedar Breather is specifically designed for use with cedar shingles or shakes. While it may be possible to use it with other types of siding, it is not recommended. Other types of housewrap may be more appropriate for use with other types of siding.

Is Cedar Breather environmentally friendly?

Cedar Breather is made from a combination of recycled and virgin materials, and is designed to be recyclable at the end of its useful life. It is also designed to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, which can help to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

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